Made in China is a show made in China,
A building site for helmeted actors and musicians,
An urban ballet for numerous objects,
A tragi-comic jigsaw puzzle of a Chinese city today, where incongruous individuals bump into each other, about survival, enthusiasm, outrageousness, invasion.
A rejuvenating Franco-Chinese experience!
- Created and directed by Nicolas Alline and Dorothée Saysombat
- Performed by Nicolas Alline, Wu Liuqi, Dorothée Saysombat and SI Xianwei
- Musical composition and musician : Wang Li
- Lighting design : Rodrigue Bernard
- Technician : François Villain or Simon Rutten
- Props construction : Latifa Le Forestier, Priscille du Manoir, Mr Fan et People of China
- Costumes : Irene Lu et Yin Xiao Feng
- Management in China : Lucie Brosset-Jolinon – Le pavillon rouge des arts
© Photographies Jef Rabillon
Le Festival Mondial des Arts de la Marionnette de Charleville-Mézières, Le Théâtre- scène conventionnée de Laval, Le Carré / Scène nationale et Centre d’Art Contemporain de Château-Gontier, Le Grand T à Nantes, L’Espace Jean Vilar à Ifs.
Accueils en résidence : Le Carré – Scène Nationale et Centre d’Art Contemporain de Château-Gontier, Le Théâtre scène conventionnée de Laval, Penghao Theatre (Beijing), Le 77 Theatre (Beijing), Le Nine Theatre (Beijing), Le CARGO – Segré, La 3è Saison culturelle de l’Ernée - Communauté de communes de l’Ernée, Le CRéAM - Centre Régional des Arts de la Marionnette de Basse-Normandie à Dives sur Mer.
Cette création a reçu le soutien de : la DRAC des Pays de la Loire, la Région Pays de la Loire, l’ADAMI, la Spedidam, l’ EPCC-Anjou Théâtre, la Ville d’Angers, L’Institut Français, L'Ambassade de France en Chine, Le festival Croisements, France-Chine 50.
Théâtre(s) magazine 03 / 2016 - CYRILLE PLANSON Dorothée Saysombat - From Europe to Asia
Dorothée Saysombat (Compagnie à) has been chasing a true quest for origins in the last few years. Born to a French mother and a Chinese father from Laos, she had been pursuing this wish for an artistic project in connection with her Far Eastern roots. A long trip to China and a workshop in Beijing and Shandong Province, allowed her to lay the foundations of Made in China, questioning China's triumphant capitalism, consumerism and mass production of objects of all kinds, as quickly desired as they are abandoned. With her long-time partner in crime and co-director of the company, Nicolas Alline, she enthusiastically mixes the art of clown and the manipulation of objects in the theatre. Formidably funny, but also a bit tragic, Made in China tours in France in a Franco-Chinese distribution after being presented in Beijing. On stage, Dorothée Saysombat leads the dance, as a factory worker or an overworked executive woman in a China where still, sometimes, arise the masked geniuses of the past.